Tuesday, April 30, 2013

April Memories

Can you even believe that today is the last day of April!?!  I thought it would be fun to show you a peek into my April journal...I still have a few photos to add, a bit more journaling, maybe some doodling and embellishments...we will see what there is time for (before I begin May's).


As you can see, its just a bit of this and a bit of that...recording memories, experimenting on the page, processing...just for me...for where I am at the moment.

How was your April?  What are you looking forward to in May?

Thursday, April 25, 2013


During worship I was encouraged..."When we see Him we find strength to face the day"...I DO need/want His strength in and for my every day...PLUS, as I shared last week, I am on "alert" for those SEE words :)...and so, this inspired a quick journal page this week...helping me to remember to KEEP MY EYES OPEN-ON HIM...and the journalling is part of the processing...

I found this girl with super powers :) in a magazine and shrunk her way down to fit my April journal (shown above-its tiny...about 4 x 5).

Then fun tapes were added, grounding her, and bordering the corner.

                               "Turn your eyes upon Jesus.  Look full in His wonderful face.
                                          And the things of earth will grow strangely dim
                                                   in the light of His glory and grace." 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do you have a WOTY?

You know...a WOTY:  a  Word Of The Year.  "SEE" is mine this year. Past years have been:  remember, hope, good, know, joy, celebrate...I take a long time choosing what the word will be...knowing that for the whole year it will be a word to guide my quiet times, help my focus and perspective...that kind of thing...I always ask God to direct me in what HE wants me to "work" with...Afterall, He knows best what it is that I need in this walk of faith with Him...that is really what it is all about...right?!? :)  And once I know what the word will be, it is SO EXCITING how He confirms and incorporates that word (concept, theme) into my life and learning.  YAY Jesus!  So if you "see" :) lots of things here that have to do with sight, seeing, focus, perspective, vision, looking, eyes, watching...that's where I'm coming from...this is the year to SEE God, His Hand...to be mindful to keep my eyes open...to anticipate Him...I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss a single thing that He has for me!   2013-the year to SEE!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Keep Counting

The discipline of gratitude (re-inspired by AnnVoskamp's book, One Thousand Gifts) has been so HUGE...so helpful in my walk of faith as I continue to "train" my thoughts...conform my heart.  Whether I am confused or hurt or busy or just don't know what to think, the act of counting "gifts given" helps set things right...set me right...get my focus back on God-where it needs to be-and pay attention to His Hand in my life, in my every day.  This morning as I was listening to the song "How He Loves Us", the words: "we are His portion. He is our prize, drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes...I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way He loves us. Oh, how He loves us," reminded me that those regrets, confusion, hurts, etc distract me and do take time and energy to "maintain".   The mindfulness to look for God, to anticipate Him in the moments of my day helps me "seek the things which are above...setting my mind on things above" (Col. 3:1-2).  And so, I created this page in my April journal to remind me to keep counting...always giving thanks. (Eph. 5:20)

I filled the page with a list of everything I was thankful for.

 Then I put a gesso wash over that list and inked it with distress inks and a blending tool.

With acrylic paint, a stencil, and sequin waste I added texture, creating another layer.

                                  Finally, I arranged and glued in place the images and words.

"Oh, how He loves us!!!"  Hallelujah!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

When I just don't know...

                                  I do know Jesus!