Saturday, November 29, 2014

still giving thanks

My heart is full and as I bask in the mood of Thanksgiving...

I am STILL giving thanks, counting my blessings, CHOOSING gratitude...and this is the perspective...the frame of mind that I want to continue to carry into the Christmas season...into the new year...into my everyday, in fact.

Blessings and Thanks to you!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Pretend that this is the journal page you are working on this week...

What would you list as the things you are thankful for?  What images, pictures would you collage on this page to represent those things that stir gratitude in your heart?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

let the page speak

The page:-

The focus:-

One of the things that I love about art journaling is that the colors and imagery and texture speak for themselves...and while each viewer may have their own interpretation, very often I don't feel the need to write a lot after I have created the page...sometimes I do go back and journal on it, sometimes I don' is my journal, after all...  :)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What do you see?

Revisiting an old journal... this journal I spent some time "studying" some of the great works of art that I enjoy...this is one of Edward Hopper's...I see aloneness, but not necessarily loneliness...thinking, reflecting, processing...stealing a moment...light...pausing to take it all in...
What do you see?

Monday, November 10, 2014

nothing profound

Looking back through some old journals...

...beautiful papers, and timeless inspiration in that face, Mona...PLUS a party hat!  :)

Put on your paper party hat and have a great day!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014



"living, enjoying, celebrating the GIFT that is today...this moment...NOW.  Today is a gift...untie the ribbons."   Ann Voskamp