Tuesday, October 25, 2016

a fun opportunity

I have mentioned before that I teach a variety of art classes (to anyone who will sit still long enough to listen). ;)  Seriously, I just love it. And last week I had a wonderful opportunity to teach a mixed media lesson to an awesome group of young adults at Phoenix High School in Lincoln.  Here they are with their mixed media pieces (that will be used later as part of a different project).

Our project was creating a "master board," following step by step instructions with an emphasis on incorporating "found objects" (credit cards, paper towel tubes, sequin waste, dictionary pages, etc) as art tools...I am always super inspired by my students work when I teach because it is so fun to the same supplies, the same instructions "interpreted" so differently from individual to individual.  And young people create so freely...I think that they aren't worried about what is right or wrong or what people think...they just jump in and PLAY...did I say I LOVE it!?!  I am so thankful for this opportunity!

Follow their example and play at something creative today!  :)

Tuesday, October 18, 2016


I love inktober!  The challenge to do something inky everyday in October.  To make this "do-able" for myself, I chose to make one inky "thing" instead of creating an entire piece each day.  For example...one doodle, one lettered word or quote, one simple sketch, etc...and all of these go in my planner.  My "take" on the DLP-Documented Life Project- is that on the back of my month-at-a- glance is where I usually art journal for the month...and you guessed it...this month, this is where I am inking my inktober daily entries.


I love this challenge!  And while I don't think my drawings are "skillful" I do think that as I stretch myself to do a little something everyday, I enjoy the process more and more...Also, it is really fun to see what the final total page will be the month is over. 

Jump in and join the fun!  Happy Inktober!