Saturday, February 10, 2018

inky goodness

Hi there art friends!  I know it has been a lllooonnnngg time since I have been here...sigh...I've been busy teaching, and well, with life! The good news is that because of my teaching, I HAVE been making art...just not posting it...sorry! (To be honest, being on the computer is not my favorite thing.)

Oh's a new year, right?!?  Let's try this again.

Actually the last post that I did was an altered book I thought it might be fun to share my latest altered book "obsession."  So fun!  In the past, I had avoided super wet mediums in my altered books.  The paper is not, after all, art paper.  In other words, it was meant to be printed on and then read, and NOT "mix-media-up'd."  :)  However, Rae Missigman changed my thinking on that in her class Scribblepedia (It is a great class and you can find it on Jeanne Oliver's creative network.)  She inspired me to get out my inks and play around, which is always fun, but also leads to some fun new discoveries.

Here are some of the pages I did...

Aren't the colors yummy?!?  Seriously, this has been so much fun...and quite addicting.  In fact, I decided to use inks as the foundation, or start to all the pages in this entire (altered) book.  Some of the pages, I will finish (add focal images, collage, journaling, etc.) but some I love just as they are.

I encourage you...Get out your inks and play!