Wednesday, August 17, 2016

yummy texture!

One of the things that I LOVE on my journal pages is texture...

This page included texture paste, crinkled and glued tissue, textured cardstock, a doily, a kraft paper (brown paper bag) scrap, a manila paper die cut (with a Tim Holtz layering texture die), dictionary paper-of course!  :), and the perforated edge of a spiral page.  (You can "play" Where's Waldo and hunt around to find and identify these different elements :)...)  I glued all these down, "embracing" any wrinkles.  Then I applied the texture paste to overlap and touch the different elements.  When the paste was dry I applied a thin coat of gesso which really enhances the texture of the cardstock and the wrinkles in the tissue and kraft paper...YUM!!!  For color I used watered acrylic paint...

I now have a great foundation for my art journal page.  I could add my focal image at this point, or continue to layer on collage elements and more color, or...well, the possibilities are limitless!  Too much fun!

Time to play!  :)

Saturday, August 13, 2016

joys of teaching

I have shared before how much I love teaching...sharing this art journaling plus journaling...woohoo!  The new class schedule for Sierra College Community for fall just came out and look what I found...

What a fun surprise...what a blessing!

Thank you to everyone who takes classes with, love, love!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

summer bucket list

August!?!  Already?  Can you believe that summer is winding down already?  Didn't it just start?

One of the things that we have done in a couple of my art journaling classes is create an art journal  page documenting...declaring? our summer bucket know, those things that sing of summer to you...the things that would make your heart happy to do this summer...

Here is what my page looks like...

I share this with you to encourage you to enjoy these summer days and do something "summer-y" that makes your heart happy.  :)
