Saturday, March 30, 2013

When you know you need Him most

"I'm not doing a very good job."

"That's probably good," my friend responded to me.

"What do you mean?" I definitely needed clarity here...

"You know...when we aren't doing so well...on our own...and you know it.  That's when you KNOW that you need Him most, and so we depend on Him most."

Hmmm...yes...its true.  And earlier this week, I had this same conversation, as I was encouraging someone else, "He wants us dependent on Him...draw close to Him...abide..."

And so I was CHOOSE Him, His ways...CHOOSE to abide in Him.  

*NOTE to SELF:  Look up "abide" an A-B-I-D-E acrostic...maybe an abide journal page.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

I don't know about you but I don't do well when my routine is thrown out the window. :) And this was a week of "interruptions" the week wore on and I was feeling more and more "squeezed", I was reminded that I am still "in process"...I don't like that my flesh STILL wants its own way...I want to be done with THAT struggle...(life has enough trials of its own, after all). BUT GOD reminded me that I have been altered AND am being altered into His image...PROCESS!  And so, I am resting in Him, cooperating with Him as He works in me.  And as Easter approaches, I am remembering Him...what His life was about as He approached the cross...and I am encouraged. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Here I am!

I am so glad you are here.  Starting this blog has been a long process.  God has prepared and very gently nudged me along until I realized that this was something that I HAD TO DO...and I am so excited!  When you visit here, you will find lots and lots going on:- lots of art, especially art journaling...what I am creating...what I am learning...what I am reading...questions I am pondering...things I am processing...aaah...the glorious mess...all mixed together and being altered by God.
 Grab a cup of coffee, and stop by anytime...let's journal,create, learn, read, ponder, process together!