Wednesday, October 16, 2013

still here

I really am still here...just working away "behind the scenes"...on all kinds of things...some creative, some just necessary. I have been journaling in tiny increments here and there where I can, but still at it nonetheless...always!  I will add some of the pages I have done as I can...some of them are finished, and some are not...which is ok with me because my journaling is for me...

Last month my daughter and I took a class taught by Dina Wakley at the Stamp Art Shoppe in Roseville...It was a wonderful class and Dina is an amazing teacher...Her "Facing the Facts" class was a complete stretch for me since I don't feel very comfortable with my drawing skills, or lack of them  :)  ...BUT she taught us to draw a face and then challenged us to draw 100 other words, PRACTICE!  Well, the class was an encouragement to me (BIG difference between my "before" face and my "after" her-instruction face) my daughter inspires me constantly with her drawings...anyway, I have been drawing faces (I think I have sketched 15 so far.)...I'm not confident enough to show all of them :) but this journal page represents this activity in my life right now....

As you can see, she is simple...basic...but I like her...
Like anything in life that is difficult, practice helps so much...sometimes my girls look like husband called one of them 'horseface'  :)  ...but I am enjoying the process so much...I highly recommend it.  :)  Think of something you would like to learn to do, get a little instruction and then practice...alot...
                            ...and while you are at it, have a good time...laugh lots...enjoy the process!

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