Thursday, September 25, 2014


I definitely am not a great photographer. But I do try to be mindful to take pictures of the things around me...cell phones sure make that easier...I feel like taking the time to slow down and stop to snap the shot is kind of like capturing a moment...being fully present and somehow it is an expression of gratitude for what I have right now...what is right in front of me...appreciating this I "pay attention" my senses wake up and I enjoy things I might have rushed passed...things like color, texture, shape, beauty...inspiration is everywhere...

Take the time to look for it...find it...enjoy it...

Friday, September 19, 2014

more color

As summer is winding down, I must be thinking about fall...leaves changing color...because that is what keeps showing up on the pages of my journal...interesting how that happens...
I am loving this riot of color...and can you see the leaf in there?...(Tim Holtz Distress) inks sponged, sprayed, dripped, rubbed, and stamped on this page...
This is just the beginning...the foundation for this page...
I even love the "mess" that such wet mediums make of the paper...hmmm, kinda like the "glorious mess" (as my husband so affectionately calls it) of life...
  (Close the book, add some weight, and those warped pages become flat again.)  :)

One of the reasons that it is good to journal:- getting "out," expressing what's inside...even when you are not aware that it is in there...just something to think about...actually, go ahead, "play" on the pages of your journal, and see what shows up...

Monday, September 15, 2014

better than therapy

Getting color on paper...


Ink sponged through a pad brushed on the page...watercolor splattered-which, by the way is SUPER fun, maybe because it feels a little out of control :) in a good way...hmm...better than therapy. Try it!  (Just watch the walls when you splatter :) just saying)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

rehearse and believe

Playing with washi tape...

I created a flap-hinged with washi tape on both sides of the cardstock-

I love everything about art journaling...obviously!!! :)...the fun of it as well as the significance it can have-when I need/choose.  This page is an example of needing to focus, remember and rehearse truth...practicing mindfulness on the's a good thing.  :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

thinking... color...creating artful reminders...

you never know when you might need that visual "prompt"... 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

on the pages

More pages from my summer journaling...


The processing really IS more fun when I'm "playing" on the pages of my art journal.

Monday, September 1, 2014

"playing" and processing

The last "official" day of has come and gone so quickly...I have been (of course!) sneaking in moments of journaling time when I have been able...I thought I would share some of what I have been "playing" with...

..."playing" with Tombow water-based markers and a water-brush, Distress Stains by Ranger, Prang watercolors, stencils, and my trusty Sharpie pen..."playing" and processing...