Friday, February 27, 2015

write more!

Lots of "pen play" going on here as I work on developing  more lettering classes...
     (classes for The Stamp Art Shoppe in Roseville, and for Sierra College Community Ed.)

It's tough, but somebody has to do it...teehee...  :)
I absolutely LOVE these Zig markers by Kuretake...seriously! They are like magic...just playing with them, I'm creating some super fun alphabets.  These markers are the Calligraphy, Calligraphy II, and the Journal & toys to add to your toybox...just sayin'...
Have a great week-end!  :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

color and shapes

This art journal page is my interpretation of the Documented Life Poject's prompt (week 3):  the color wheel...and the Georgia O'Keefe quote...

"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way."

Friday, February 20, 2015


Last month I had the chance to go to a workshop at Kuretake, a company that makes amazing pens, markers...things that make my heart flutter.  :)  (Thanks Sandy @ the Stamp Art Shoppe)

I was able to get some of the products that we used in the workshop and have been "playing" with them for fun...AND for new class ideas...can I just say...too much fun!!!

I wanted to try a "watercolor" technique using the Kuretake Zig Wink of Luna brush pens.

I always start by making a sample swatch to check out colors and "personality" of new supplies.

I thought it would be fun to show the "process" of one of those projects.  I started by wetting the watercolor paper then applying the blue, green, and light green inks to the page. Then I blended the color with a large flat brush...the pigment is so rich and I just love the hint of metallic in these.  I didn't like how "crisp" the edges looked so I spritzed the edges with water, and loved how the ink splattered and softened.  Then I journaled across the page using a medium blue ink that would show but not draw attention to itself.  I decided that I wanted some texture on the page but not collage, so I used the Zig Embossing Pen with a circle stencil and put circles here and there and embossed them...very subtle, and just what I wanted.  Next, I grabbed a Tim Holtz stencil and stenciled the wildflowers over the writing with black ink.  Since I had so much fun with the embossing pen, I drew some swirls on circles cut from dictionary pages and embossed that. Finally, I "grounded" the flowers with text paper and washi tape...outlined the text circles with the light green Luna ink...

Here is a slightly different angle...can you see the texture of the embossed circles?

Well!  That was fun!  I can't wait for my next "play date" with my new toys...I'll keep you posted.
By the way, Have I mentioned how good for you it is to "play" now and then...therapeutic even...try something fun, I mean, good for you this week-end.  :)

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


A page from an old art journal...and a VERY old photo (of yours truly)...a timely message...

Yes, a good reminder for all of us...for every day as we step out in faith in whatever it is that God has for us that day...this day...especially when we don't think we "can" do what is in front of us.  He will help...He will provide what we need.
Courage my friends!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

tis the season...

Yep!  Tis the season of red and pink hearts, and doilies, and all things is all good...

...and it is always a good time to my humble opinion. (wink)
 But seriously...  :)

Have a LOVEly day!

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Looking back through old journals is great for finding things you have forgotten about...this was a journal from 2013 and when I came upon this page I felt like I found treasure!  Can you guess why?

I'm sure you got it.  Wonder!  Woohoo!  My Word-of-the-Year...and a great reminder to be alert...eyes open, looking for wonder...God's hand , what He is doing!  I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to miss anything that He is "up to".    :)

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

a good reminder

Looking back through an old journal served as a good reminder...not only of what was going on in my life at that particular time, but for now also...When we record life what we are "processing" and the lessons we are learning in our journals we have the benefit (just one of many benefits-hint, hint) of remembering that important lesson or event. And as many of us know, those past "lessons" can be invaluable instructors and encouragement for today.


An acrylic wash of that happy green paint, scraps of various paper around the edges to create a border, the pointing hand from a Trader Joe bag, pictures of cute boots from an ad, NeoColorII watercolor crayon highlights, and then journaling...tada...and so it was "documented".