Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Another art journal page prompted by the Documented Life Project...

Distress ink splattered with water...dictionary text paper...Dylusions spray ink...

A copy of a Modigliani portrait that I love...

Fun die cut pieces...a little penwork...

Journaling using Faber Castel Pitt pens...
   "The portrait makes direct eye contact with the viewer...linger and decode the story."
     (quote by Lynne Perrella)

...linger and decode the story...

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


In my last post I showed the "beginning" of this journal page...

I played around on this page some more and this is what happened...
First I gathered some things that I might use...

Did I mention that the sunflower picture is a "tip-in" attached with washi tape as the "hinge"?...
(I think I have "hinted" at how much I L-O-V-E interactive pages)  :)

I used the dictionary page strips to "frame" the sunflowers...

Next I added a die cut piece that I wanted to journal on...and I used my Kuretake Zig Mangaka markers and a yellow Tombow marker to jot down a thought...and also to outline the journal piece...

Oh, and I added the bird (crow, I think) sticker looking down at what I wrote...    :)
This is the page with the "door" open...

That's least for now...a fun summer-y art journal page...

Thursday, June 11, 2015

bright and happy

Don't you just LOVE sunflowers?  Bright...happy...

This journal page is incomplete but I love the Distress Ink background and the happy is a perfect page for a sunny summer day...may your summer days be...bright and happy!

Saturday, June 6, 2015


Another art journal page inspired by the Documented Life Project.  The prompt for this was acrylic paint...

This is a Dina Wakley stamp that I stamped on tissue paper and glued down.  I love the scribbly writing on can't read any of it except the first word "well" which I used to inform my journaling (including lyrics from one of my current favorite songs It is Well, by Bethel Music). 

Hope all is well with you. Keep creating.  :)

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

what if?

I'm WAY behind in my Documented Life Project "pages"...but its all for me so I just keep pressing forward...and I love taking their prompts and using them as inspiration for art journaling.

The challenge for this was I played with that for the background...then stamped the leaves (a Magenta stamp) in black to give a silhouette I sponged ink through the window stencil...added the German scrap bird and the Tim Holtz washi tape...spritzed the Hero Arts metallic shimmer gold spray...and lastly I added my "journaling"...

...easy peasy...and my creative self is happy.  :)