Saturday, January 23, 2016

word of the year

Some of you know that every year I choose a word to focus on for the year (my Word of the Year-WotY)...this word serves as a guide, of sorts, to add mindfulness to my days as I engage and incorporate this word into my life, my art, etc.  I have used this practice of a WotY for the past 10 years and it has been very meaningful to me...

There are lots of ways to engage and interact with my word...I try to keep it in front of me all year and one way I do that is by creating a little "still life" on my desk...

I also hand letter it in as many different "fonts" and styles as possible.  I journal, write about it.  I create an art journal page incorporating it. I look for quotes with my word in it.  I doodle it.  I even create an acrostic with its letters...

If you haven't incorporated this practice into your life, try it this year...I think you will find it not only helpful and significant, but surprisingly fun, as well...see how it "works" in your life!

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

happy new year!

I just love the new year...the possibilities and promise of a new, blank calendar hold so much hope...
One morning as I was waiting for my french press to finish steeping...setting out my cup...with great anticipation, I might add...  :)  I realized my cup shared the year (kinda)...twenty-sixteen...16 ounces...I love little connections like I snapped this pic (like you do...wink)...

Then one thing led to another and I was inspired to do this...

In case you can't tell...wink...this is a blind contour drawing of my cup...(blind as in NOT looking at the paper while you draw...I ONLY looked at the object, in this case the cup)...what I like about doing this drawing exercise is that there is absolutely NO PRESSURE...afterall, how good can it be if you aren't even looking? Right!!! :)  PLUS, I feel like these little sketches have a wonky charm all their own...embrace your inner wonky!  :)  Oh, and I DID look when I did the star and lettering...just so you know.

Then following the prompt from DLP (Documented Life Project 2016), I created an ATC
(or PAC-Pocket Art Card)...

A little pen play...watercolor with my Tombow Dual-tip markers and water brush...a touch of foil and very quickly this little project came together...super fun!!!

I do hope that you make time nurture your creative self this year...

Happy New Year!!!