Wednesday, August 21, 2013

winding down

...the month, I mean, is winding down...already...whew!  I've only been journaling in fragments...or so it seems...But all those bits add up...last night I discovered that I had finished my family camp "page"...This is based on something that I saw on Teresa McFayden's blog...I just LOVE it since I enjoy doodling letters and words more than images...super simple and the concept can be applied to lots of things...

I used WATERPROOF black ink and a calligraphy pen to ink the boxes and journal in the "memories"...It is a fun challenge to use the dipping pens and ink...definitely slows you down...I find it very relaxing and, I just love using as many "fonts" as I can think of...

...Then with Marvy brush markers and a water-brush,  I watercolored each box and added extra embellishments (white polka dots, sparkly gel-pen highlights, blue ink in SHOW) when the paint was dry...

 There you have it! My notes and memories from Family Camp...journaling in the box...:)

Go ahead...get out some scratch paper-so there is no pressure...its only paper!-and give it a try..Play a little!

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