Wednesday, December 18, 2013


It is so much fun when things happen to confirm or magnify something that has been brewing under the surface...I am pondering a verse, or an idea, or something I have read and then someone else "randomly" mentions the same thought...or the pastor preaches on that thought...or I read a blog where it shows is enough to give me pause...sometimes it takes my breath away...why?  Well,...I do NOT believe in coincidences...I believe that God is totally sovereign...and when things like this happen it is like God is saying, "I am here...I know what is on your mind, let's explore that a bit."  It is GOD WITH US...Immanuel...with me! (which is why it takes my breath away!) That's where this page came from...

Hope you are enjoying the impact and significance of this wonderful season...Chirst coming TO us! :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


Here we are...into the full swing of things this holiday season...I do kinda feel like I am moving slow motion in a fast-spinning world.  The "slow" is by choice...and maybe not slow, but slower as (and it almost feels like a stubborn digging my heels in posture)I am enjoying the days...each day with a mind set on what this season is REALLY about...keeping my eyes open for the SIGNIFICANCE of the imagery, songs, celebrations of this season...these HOLY-days...that's what I want to SEE...the days holy...the holy in the days...
As I approached my first December journal page, this is what was on my mind...memories of childhood Christmases and I have always loved the anticipation of Christmas as much as the day itself.  And as I thought about that, I thought about Israel's anticipation (throughout history)of their Messiah, Heaven's aanticipation of God's Son taking on flesh...the waiting...the HOPE!
So, I chose an old Christmas picture of my sister and I (a long, long time ago!)...and put it on a fold-out over this stamped winter scene...then added journaling...


Wishing you HOPE and HOLY in your days!  :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

a K, and a S

Finishing up November's journal...
the K page..K is for "Kneeling in gratitude for each and every"...
  Nov. 9th was my daughter's 18th birthday so I decided to journal 18 things I love about her...along with some collage bits...      

and the back...
  (dictionary scraps, gesso, Wild Honey Distress Ink, clip art, zig-zag tape, Broken China Distress Paint for texture)

and S is for "Small, and/or Significant gift given from His hand."
  (magazine pic that had great eyes...highlighted with a grunge-board frame painted with Broken China Distress Paint)

But I couldn't NOT :) -you know what I mean- include this quote that has been a huge help to me...PLUS the word of the year is SEE...and this quote is all about the eyes...looking...perspective...the way you see...

...and the last couple of  "pages"...tags...just for fun!

 I REALLY enjoyed this theme of giving thanks...and I now will carry these images and processing into December...mindfulness!  :)

Today, each day To Him, my Heavenly Father, Acknowledging, Appreciating, Naming, then Kneeling in gratitude for each and every Small and, or Significant gift given from His hand.