Tuesday, February 21, 2017

more abstract play

So here is how I finished up the abstract pages, that I shared last time...
...per prompting from Tori Weyers' lesson, I added a little gold (I am not usually a metallic, bright, blingy person, but I have to admit this was fun for me)...

And then I added some journaling which included the definition of abstract, and its significance to me...

This was very fun...out-of-the-box for me...I highly recommend trying something new, something creative...stretch...just for the fun of it!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2017

abstract. play.

I don't think I've ever done an abstract before...at least not intentionally.  :)  This was inspired by Tori Weyers "lesson" from Creative Jumpstart 2017.  I love playing with my paints but don't consider myself a "painter."  Tori made this project very "accessible"...in other words, I wasn't intimidated but instead couldn't wait to get my paints out and try it.

When I looked up the word abstract, my favorite definition is from the Latin word meaning "pulled away, detached," and the basic idea is of 'something detached from physical, or concrete, reality'...hmmm...this makes me think 'fantasy.'  Maybe that is why I didn't feel any "pressure"...it is made up...in other words, it doesn't have to "look like" anything other than what I make it...woohoo!

It was super fun to "stretch" my creative muscles with something new.  I am not sure it is finished (like a lot of my journal pages)...In the lesson, Tory added gold metallic paint...that might be fun! Also, since I did this in my art journal, I am thinking I want to add some writing...maybe I will write out the definition of abstract...I'll keep you posted.  :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Art journaling hearts...not half-hearted, not broken-hearted, not hard hearted, but...

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

enjoy the process

Just thought I would give you a peek at PART of what goes on around here as I am preparing for classes...I pull out everything that I think I might want to use, and then begin to put things together.  This weekend I am teaching an altered book class, as well as a mixed media card class so I had lots of ideas, lots of goodies to "play" with...

The process IS a huge mess, but it is a lot of fun to play with all my "toys."

It all came together and here is the result of this particular process...   :)

Create something today...and enjoy the process!