Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do you have a WOTY?

You know...a WOTY:  a  Word Of The Year.  "SEE" is mine this year. Past years have been:  remember, hope, good, know, joy, celebrate...I take a long time choosing what the word will be...knowing that for the whole year it will be a word to guide my quiet times, help my focus and perspective...that kind of thing...I always ask God to direct me in what HE wants me to "work" with...Afterall, He knows best what it is that I need in this walk of faith with Him...that is really what it is all about...right?!? :)  And once I know what the word will be, it is SO EXCITING how He confirms and incorporates that word (concept, theme) into my life and learning.  YAY Jesus!  So if you "see" :) lots of things here that have to do with sight, seeing, focus, perspective, vision, looking, eyes, watching...that's where I'm coming from...this is the year to SEE God, His be mindful to keep my eyes anticipate Him...I don't know about you, but I don't want to miss a single thing that He has for me!   2013-the year to SEE!


  1. Mine is Stand. Love yours, it's good for noticing all those blessings He pours out on us daily. "Every good and perfect gift is from about..." (James 1:17)

  2. "The-beat-of-His-heart" that's my POTY!
