Wednesday, February 26, 2014


The warm-up exercise for our Art Journaling class at Creekside Studio was to stamp this fun circle stamp from Stampers Anonymous...I love making a spinner from this is whimsical and interactive, which I love in my journals...and whether I actually "spin" it or not, its a fun prompt...

First I stamped script in yellow along the bottom of the page and the little Tim Holtz icons in black along the right edge of the page and cut around the images to create a fun page edge...Then I sprayed Dylusions spray inks over a stencil on a dictionary page, and glued it down.  Finally I put the brad and spinner in the circle and taped it down...this is how it turned out... 

Very fun!!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

in the clouds

I thought I would show you the "process" of a quick journal page I did recently...

I began with my favorite cloud mask and sponged blue and a hint of purple ink over the mask to create the clouds...

I don't know why I love making these clouds but I, it fills the page with a nice background very quickly...and hey! Just about anything will work with the sky!
Next I chose the stamps I wanted...chair, tree, and checkered corner...and stamped them. I masked the chair square and then stamped the tree and the checkered corner to achieve that layered effect...this was the result of playing with "masks" at the Mask Madness class here at Creekside!
I also "grounded" the tree with a torn piece of dictionary paper so that the tree wasn't just floating in the sky.
I must have still been thinking of Valentine's Day...OR wanted a little "comfort" on the page because I felt that I wanted to add a I punched one out of corrugated paper...and put it on the chair...
Just what I was looking for plus, I just love the texture. Then I taped it into my journal with washi tape.  Now all I need to do is "journal" on the clouds...I think they make perfect lines to write on.  :)

Sunday, February 16, 2014


Valentine's Day this week had me thinking about red and pink and hearts...soooo...that is informing my journal page...  :)

I started with a little acrylic paint that I watered down and smooshed and stencilled...

oh...and I stamped some "script" in red along the side...but then I decided I wanted more I got out the watercolors and splattered more red on the page...if you've never just splattered paint on a page, I highly recommend it  :)  it makes super quick, fun backgrounds...very addicting!

(I only got a little on the counter!)  :)

While that was drying I cut some hearts...

...and then stitched them together down the middle!  Super fun!  :)

Finally I glued the hearts to the journal page...

Way too much fun!  (I can see more sewing on paper in my future!!!)

Love, love, love!

Saturday, February 8, 2014


A past journal page...

A good reminder for me...
                  colors are fun too.  :)
  Happy Saturday!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

just a few minutes

It has been very fun going through old journals and past artwork in order to put together the classes for Creekside makes me want to MAKE MORE ART!  Imagine that!  :) Here is my last (completed) art journal page...

This page was inspired by my morning devotion...done in 10 minute increments over about 5 days...I tell you that to encourage you to make time for some artistic endeavor everyday...whatever creative outlet you love...even just a few minutes each day adds up...not only is the art-break refreshing, but this kept me mindful...WONDERS too numerous to count...

Go ahead...take just a few minutes today to make a little art.  Enjoy!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

my heart is full

Whew! What a fun day! The Open House for Creekside Studio was buzzing. I have to say that this has been a bit of a is a very personal expression and putting it all out there feels pretty vulnerable...but what I have known for a long time is that EVERYONE is creative...we just each have to find our favorite mediums and outlets...watercolor, zentangling, music, quilting, cooking, knitting, whatever it may be...AND it is SO MUCH FUN to create together...with friends...and today that is what happened...people came and we talked art and life, and laughed, and ate, and made heart is full...I am so very thankful for the support and encouragement of everyone who came today.

Here is a peek...

Too much fun!  Thanks again to all of you who came!  Hugs!