Friday, January 9, 2015

word of the year

Every year I choose a WotY...a Word of the Year...I choose this word very carefully, prayerfully, based on "where I'm at" and/or where I need to be.  :)  Seriously, the processing that occurs always amazes me throughout the year as I focus on this word and live with intentionality around that word...
If you saw my last blog post you probably got a clue as to what "the word" is this year...hint:  it showed up more than once in the project that I was blogging about  :) ...

Yes, the Word of the Year for 2015 is "wonder."  I chose wonder out of a list of several possibilities, because the focus of wonder is good and bright...I don't want to look at what's not right, what is lacking, or even what I need to improve on...I really want my focus this year to be positive:  I am on the look out for  God surprises...what HE is is NOT about me...I just need to be mindful to pay attention to Him!  Woohoo!

So the above picture is a close up of the journal cover I made...throughout the year I will incorporate this word over and over in my art and on my journal pages as a reminder to myself to be on the pay attention...and I will also record some of the wonders that I encounter, that He shows me.  Below is a simple little doodle that I did when I only had a few minutes, but needed to focus my over-active brain...

If you have never chosen a word to focus on throughout the year, I encourage you to try it this has truly been a significant exercise for me...meaningful AND exciting in so many ways.  By faith, choose a word...engage that word...and then let me know what amazing things happen in you, your life as a result. I can't wait to hear from you!

Here's to a wonder.full. 2015!

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