Saturday, March 28, 2015

so excited!

Look what came!!!

That just about says it all!  I am so blessed and thankful and excited...did I say excited?!? have a few of my art journals published in this amazing publication!!!  Woohoo!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Documented Life Project prompt from a few weeks ago was "five layers"...this is my interpretation on my art journal page...
The collage element was "one" layer :) which we created in my Creekside Studio Sew Fun Art Journaling class last week (stitching-both with a sewing machine and by hand-is super fun!  Try it!)

First, distress inks were applied directly to the paper, and also sponged through a hand-cut stencil.  Second, I spritzed black marker ink through the Tim Holtz spritzer.  Third, the journaling came next, in the "white" space created by the stencil...prompted by the word 'thrive' on the dictionary page and by Frida, my focal image...along with the doodling.  Fourth, I glued down my collage layer.  Finally, five!, I added a little acrylic paint grid for texture.  Easy, peasy, lemon squeezy!  :)

Friday, March 20, 2015

best job ever!

I have been teaching classes and so I HAVE to create classes, make samples, put together class kits, organize supplies...and, of course, practice techniques...this is a peek at what I will be teaching at the Stamp Art Shoppe in Roseville on Sat. 3/21...

Too much fun! I truly am blessed to be able to "work" at what I LOVE!
I am so very "job" ever!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

it helps

As I practice "mindfulness" it helps to create a journal page to remind, rehearse, and "handle" whatever it may be that I am processing... 

This page consists of a few key words...a simple doodly sketch which I outlined with Tombow markers and then "watercolored" with my water-brush...that's it...enough to remind me to keep my "eyes peeled."   :)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

beneath the surface

A little collage happening for the Documented Life Project...

The prompt for week 5 was "beneath the surface," using the "under-paper" (the paper that you work on top of to protect your desk)...I just love using layers and layers of "stuff"...spray inks, dictionary pages, paint, stencils, scrapbooking paper, stamped tissue...and as I "throw" these pieces together, I think about the layers of our selves, of our they can be messy (or not), but they work together to make us who we are...that's it...that's just a bit of the "processing" that goes on while I'm "playing" on my pages...nothing heavy...just interesting...

Friday, March 6, 2015

'cause it's what I do

Art journal play...reflecting and rehearsing the Word of the Year (WotY)...because it's what I do...

Be on the look out for His wonder...and know!